BEAM Conferences

Using the market systems approach in cities

DCED - BEAM Seminar 2018, Nairobi

The joint DCED-BEAM Seminar in Nairobi, February 2018, featured a series of sessions about using the market systems approach in cities, alongside DCED's long-standing focus on results measurement. The MSD focus was particularly on programmes, results and research related to improving employment opportunities, creating jobs or decent work especially for young people. 
Around 140 participants enjoyed a lively interactive programme drawing on practical field experience. 

Day One presentations

1.  Urban messiness: income generation in cities

The unique features of cities in rapidly urbanising countries have important implications for how we adapt the market systems approach. These sessions will share practical experience from programmes coping with urban challenges of congestion, the complex intersection of public, private (market) and civil society systems, and looking to exploit the benefits of ‘urban agglomeration’.

Speakers: Ben Taylor (Springfield Centre), Nathalie Gunsekera (Mercy Corps)

2.  Market systems approach to better urban employment

Poor quality jobs have severe impacts on workers and families trapped in perilous living and working conditions. How can a market systems approach to decent work help? A look at evidence from the field - what’s been effective and what can be done to better address job quality in future?

Speakers: Steve Hartrich & Callie Ham (ILO), Raksha Vasudevan (MarketShare Assocs), Leanne Rasmussen

3.  Creating jobs in urban waste management

How latrine services and other waste management services are creating job-rich opportunities for youth SMEs in emerging cities and markets through recycling, manufacturing and assembly.  Practical experience from Bangladesh, Tanzania and Nigeria.

Speakers: Gerry McCarthy (Coffey), Deepak Khadka (iDE), Ailsa Buckley (Swisscontact)

4.  Creating decent work and formal jobs for vulnerable women migrating to cities

Rapidly expanding urban sectors have great potential to provide decent work opportunities for disadvantaged women and youth. This session offered contrasting insights from the home healthcare sector in India and the export-orientated manufacturing sector in Ethiopia. How does a market systems approach help overcome systemic constraints related to vocational training, socio-cultural norms and labour market mismatches?

Speakers: Devon Krainer (MEDA), Nebil Kellow (Enterprise Partners)

Day Two

5.  The results achieved by programmes using the markets systems approach

Analysis of BEAM's Evidence Map shows sufficient evidenced examples to validate the MSD approach. But more could be done to improve the quality of 'evidence' produced by MSD programmes. How can we help ensure our 'evidence' informs programming policy and decision-making?

Speakers: James Robinson & Mollie Liesner (ITAD), Jim Tanburn (DCED), Mike Albu (BEAM Exchange)

6.  The competencies needed for market systems development

What professional competencies do market systems facilitators and programme managers need to develop? How can we improve the supply and take up of training, coaching and capacity-building services in our industry?  The BEAM Exchange presents the new MSD Competency Framework for feedback.

Speakers: Rubaiyath Sarwar (Innovision Consulting), Mike Albu (BEAM Exchange),

7.  Jobs & urban growth from IT services in Occupied Palestinian Territories

How IT outsourcing, online freelancing and technology entrepreneurship can address the urban growth and jobs challenge.

Speakers: Arsalan Ali Faheem, Naomi Somerville-Large & Bill Grant (DAI), Ryan Sturgill (Mercy Corps)